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Green Resources: Apps to Make You Go Green

3rd June 2011
GWS Team

Can a smartphone App make you more green?

As regular readers of this blog will know, we are very interested in App development and design.

So, to start off a series of posts on green resources, we thought we would combine our love of Apps with green issues and feature some of the many Apps that have a green theme or are connected to the environment.

Living Green

There are Apps that help you lead a more green or sustainable, as well as encouraging you to think about Green issues more regularly:

Gardener - helps with planning your gardening, could be particularly useful for those who want to become greener by growing their own food, but need help with planning (Android - free).

There are several Apps which monitor your driving, aiming to help you become a greener driver: Green Driving Gauge (Android - free) and Green Mileage (Android - free) are particularly good ones for this.

If you want to change your general behaviour, a good way to do that might be to monitor your carbon footprint, your usage of energy, which you can do with Android App Carbon Meter (free) or iPhone Apps Meter Read ($0.99), Green Outlet ($2.99) and Carbon Tracker (free) - all of which allow you to track and therefore predict your electricity consumption, potentially helping you lower your usage.

Green Genie - gives tips and ideas for green projects and other ways to change your behaviour to be more eco-friendly (iPhone - $0.99)

Green Me - makes you think about your impact and ways you are being green by making you list 5 ways each day in which you have contributed to being green (iPhone $1.99).

Green Tips

Want ideas on how to be more green? There are several Apps that give you tips on green living, including: Green Tips (iPhone / Android - free), Go Green (iPhone - free) and The Green Lemur, which offers a search facility and different categories (iPhone - free)

Making your Device More Green

There are also Apps which enable your smartphone to operate on a more eco-friendly basis, reducing energy used - Juice Defender (Android - free) and Eco Charger (Android - free) - or tracking your charging - Green Charging (iPhone - $0.99).

Or you can use an App which results in a real tree being planted, which you can monitor the progress of virtually on your iPhone: iPhorest is a game and conservation project in one! (iPhone - $4.99)

As with many Apps, these provide useful tools you probably didn't even know you needed, and indicate the many ways in which smartphones are now offering us ways to interact with technology that have an impact on daily lives. We hope you enjoy these Apps, and do send us any feedback if you have others that you recommend.

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