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It's still the same SEP- It's just raining outside!

12th July 2010
GWS Team

Chicago-based Marketing Coordinator Drew Hawkins has written a short piece on us for his blog entitled "GWS Media: My Friends Across the Pond." 

As he says, "When I first really launched, most of my traffic initially was referred from Social Media Today. Through that network I came in contact with some cool people - all the way over in Bristol England - that were very loyal and consistent thought sharers.[...] They aren't shameless self promoters of themselves in these conversations but genuine contributors - where my respect for them grew. The members of their company that engage in social media are great models of authentic behavior online."

We'd like to extend the compliment back to Drew- and also to make an example of this productive connection across the Atlantic! Through interacting with him on Twitter, we've gained not only insight into how social media interacts with different markets across the pond (most recently enlightening us on the delights of Groupon) but also the warm glow that comes with knowing that your efforts to create thoughtful and engaging contributions to social media are paying off. Imagine if you could make connections with other people in your industry or sector in other countries, just how much you could gain from that relationship- and all for free. Just another reason to take advantage of the many opportunities which the social media revolution could bring to your marketing and business networking strategies.

(Just a note Drew- this doesn't mean we feel any better about the World Cup!)

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