GWS recently welcomed on board a new Digital Copywriter, Kayleigh Toyra, to help drive GWS content and online marketing.
Kayleigh has just finished her Masters in English at the University of Bristol, where she specialised in all things Shakespeare!
She also has plenty of experience of working for a variety of South-West businesses.
So what sort of things will she be bringing to the team (besides the bard)?

Kayleigh is passionate about words and relationships
“I guess this is a bit of a cliché as a literature student, but I really do love words. I love the way they connect people. I love the way they make people feel. I love the way they sound. They truly have a tremendous power and I feel lucky to have spent so much time in the company of great wordsmiths during my studies. When I write, I try to engage and inform people. Words are all about communication, and communication is all about forging good relationships. This is something I see as essential to content marketing. Words help us establish clear brand values.”
Kayleigh is half-Finnish
“I like my Finnish heritage. I think it helps me think outside the box and brings a certain creativity to my work. Finland is a country people often know very little about, so it's a nice thing to be part of. I still go back a lot, and when I am there I like to stock up on my favourite Finnish chocolates and sweets. We have this Finnish delicacy, salty liquorice (salmiakki), which I can't get over here. The only thing I find hard when I go back now is the intense cold; I really struggle with it after so many years in the UK. All my Finnish friends laugh at me and lend me their winter-gear.”
Kayleigh loves Bristol
“I fell in love this city as soon as I moved here when I was 16. I still remember discovering St Nicholas Market and thinking 'wow I love this place!' I just love the city's history and its culture, as well as its people. It is a really special place and there is always something interesting going on here. I'm forever getting involved in local events like the Crane Dance or the Bristol Shakespeare Festival. I have shown countless visitors around the city over the years and everyone has loved it. I also volunteer in my local community, as I think it is important to give back. I am thrilled to be working with a local company like GWS.”
Kayleigh is excited to join GWS Media
“It’s a great opportunity to work in such a dynamic company. I am really keen to establish good relationships with the brands we work with, and add value to them through my writing. Content marketing is constantly growing, which keeps things interesting for us. Doing content marketing right can help brands and businesses become industry influencers. And for me personally, working with different kinds of copy means I am never bored. I feel really lucky to be doing something I am so passionate about in such a supportive team.”
Kayleigh is an ex-volleyballer, present squash-beginner
“I played volleyball for over ten years, playing on the teams at both Cardiff and Exeter universities. However, eventually I felt like I wanted to try new things, so I started squash. I play here in the city centre and I have really grown to love it. It is an intense sport and definitely gets me moving in the mornings. I just need to get myself a better racket now and then nothing will hold me back. ”