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Resources You Might Have Missed - the GWS Blog in 2010

28th December 2010
GWS Team

Now that Christmas has flown by and everyone is evaluating the past year before it finishes, the GWS team have got together to give you the year in our blog. For regular readers and new visitors alike, we thought it would be handy to present a summary of the topics we have covered over the over the past 6 months, which have varied from

GWS Media has had an exciting year, with the development of our first App for iPad & iPhone, the Bristol Unique Guide, and more on the way in 2011. This year was our 10th Birthday, which we celebrated in style and got us a mention in Clifton Life Magazine. We also made some new friends and contacts through our use of social media, including Chicago-based digital and social media marketeer, Drew Hawkins, who was kind enough to feature us on his blog.


Since the launch of our App we have put together a couple of posts on the subject - why your business should get involved in App creation, and App design - and will certainly be adding more about this in the new year.

As anyone who regularly reads the blog will know by now, GWS is very proud to be based in Bristol, and the blog has often celebrated local events, like the Bristol Jazz Festival and the Bristol Harbour Festival. More recently, we put together a pre-Christmas Gift guide, which has some ideas which might be useful for some late gifts, or even for birthdays in 2011.

Being involved in online marketing means that we are constantly watching the breaking news in search enginge promotion, and in particular, what Google is doing. Over the past year we have covered the introduction of Google Instant Search, news of Google Maps mixing in Politics, as well as tips on the importance of ensuring your business' Google Maps listing is up-to-date and detailed.
Website Design
Some of our most popular posts over the last few months have been on the subject of

Online promotion is one of GWS' key areas of expertise. Here is our 4 part guide specifically focusing on how small business can benefit from Online Promotion (One, Two, Three, Four). GWS is also keen to explore the ethical aspects of business, including ways to make your office greener (With more tips here) and how to use a website to sell ethical goods.

Since we started blogging we have tried to cover a range of topics, and hope that these resources are useful to our readers. We also love feedback, so if you have anything you would like to comment on, or even suggest areas you would like to see covered in 2011, please let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter or Facebook.

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