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Social Media: Temperature Test Part 2

6th April 2011
GWS Team
We have been canvassing readers on their use of social media for business. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far; the results have been very interesting (and fairly positive so far). We hope that getting some feedback on what people are using and what they think of it it, and results this gets, will allow us to do some more targeted article on the subjects that are of the most interest to you, as we endeavour to make our blog more reader-focused.

We're very interested to see what the general opinions of social media are in terms of marketing a business. Our previous post got the ball rolling with general questions, so this week we want to dig a little deeper. If you haven't already voted in part 1 of our poll on social media use in business, then please do check out the preliminary questions before you vote on these.

What makes one particular social media platform easier to use?
Which social media platform is most difficult to use for business purposes?
Are there any social media platforms have you avoided because they seem more difficult to use?
Is there a social media platform you don't think is appropriate for business?

What are your primary goals for social media success?

How do you measure the effectiveness of social media?
How & When do you connect with social media channels
Thanks for taking the time to vote in our poll, your answers are of great interest to us, and will help us build a better picture of how readers are interacting with social media and what their expectations are.

If you have any further comments to add which qualify your responses to any of the questions, we would love to hear from you, so please leave a comment below, send us a tweet or leave a message on our Facebook page.

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